The several INNOVA products will always leave a mark in you if you are an ardent scan tool user, the range of marketing the brand adopted was meticulous with several online and other presences available.
However, some tools sell on their own, independent of the manufacturer or the brand name. That is the fate of the INNOVA 3140 OBD 2/OBD 1 Scan Tool with OBD 2 Live Data. The tool in its own accord and initiative has moved up the online market leader to be among the Best OBD scan tools.
However, the INNOVA OBD scanner make are still known to cushion its products from competition. That is why most of their products are shielded by some of the known customer care initiatives.
The INNOVA 3140 OBD 2/OBD 1 Scan Tool with OBD 2 Live Data has some of the best features worth dying for if you are serious with your utilization of the OBD scan tools.
Why should buy this Product?
The use of the INNOVA 3140 OBD 2/OBD 1 Scan Tool with OBD 2 Live Data is beneficial if put in the right manner. Some of the benefits include;
- Cost effectiveness- the data coverage of the OBD tool coupled with the presence of a large platoon of extra technical support is definitely a money saving move. With this tool, large amounts are bound to be saved in the course of coding and repair.
- Good user interface- with live data streaming and the other extensive data readings available on the tool, it is clear that the tool is made with the user in mind. In addition, the display screen allows the user to efficiently get to act on the coded data.
Author Review
If your car is an older version of any type, this is a perfect tool for you. It has the coverage of OBD 1 where it is stronger. However, the other new cars can also be used with it but carefully read the user manual before using it. Other scan tools with better and faster functions can be found within the INNOVA brand or elsewhere, you can shop around.
What are its features?
- SAE approved – the live data enhancement provided by the association of automotive engineers gives the tool a head start when compared to some of its counterparts. This makes the tool universal and can be used across the board.
Wide data features – with the ability to read, provide graphic data , record as well as playback the data, this scan tool gives its user better chance of getting to experience better scan experience. An additional data retrieved include the vehicle information as well as the check engine light readiness features.
- Better display– the coded data are relayed on a well formed screen where the user has a better chance of effectively getting to understand and act on the said data.
- Has several connections– the normal 16 pin OBD connectors is supported by an additionalUSB cable for ease of data retrieval from any system whether personal computer or otherwise.
- The INNOVA 3140 OBD 2/OBD 1 Scan Tool has a multilingual function with the ability to access the data in diverse languages. This gives variety and flexibility to the user.
- Wirth an accompanying battery backup – The INNOVA 3140 OBD 2/OBD 1 Scan Tool with OBD2 Live Data is praised to be among the tools the mechanic can use without the need for connecting to the vehicle engine. It is therefore an efficient, time saving gadget.
- Easily updatable using a flash disc– This is a good gesture thus it is not compulsory that the internet connection has to be there to update. Moreover, the updatability allows the tool to access several other vehicle brands including the new ones.
- Wide coding– the scan tool has the capacity top retrieve data from several car brands. It works with older OBD 1 range of cars as well as the newer car versions covering the OBD 2 category. This is supported by its covering of the manufacturer specific as well and the generic codes.
- Relatively smaller– It is a relatively smaller tool at only 4 pounds in weight and an overall size of 15 by 3 by 10.2 inches. This can make it to be used comfortably without making the user tired in the course of fixing.
- Comfortable screen– Has on screen data library which helps its user to access the various data meanings without having to run consulting the mechanics. In addition to this is the tech assist feature synonymous with the INNOVA brand of OBD scan tools, the live support is useful in making its use even smoother.
- It is reputed to effectively read the ARS and the SRS data codes– this guarantees that its use is safer.
- Good after sales service support- the ASE technical group is always at hand to assist with any issue arising from this tools use. The mechanic and driver can have an hassle free drive.
How to install and use
The process of using this OBD scan tool is pretty simple, download the needed software, run it on your computer, install, switch on the engine and the tool and receive the data.
It is in some cases costly to judge a tool without trying your hand on it. The user demands are in most cases varied and one persons experience is not likely to be yours. In spite of all the challenges, the INNOVA 3140 OBD 2/OBD 1 Scan Tool with OBD 2 Live Data is a tool worth your use.